What is a Datatype?

A data type is a central concept in C1 CMS

Data in C1 CMS can be stored in a structure called “data type”. Data is only information that can be displayed in various ways and data types gives you the opportunity to reuse data on various pages across the website.

There are three different kinds of data types in C1 CMS.

  • Global data types
  • Page data types
  • Meta data types

Data types can be created with the number and types of fields as required. Data types are created from the Data perspective, but the individual data items that are created based on the type, can be edited from the Content perspective. This means that editors only need to have access to the Content perspective to be able to edit the content of a data item.

The content of a data item can be edited from the Content perspective

Data types are created in the Data perspective. Developers can define data types to meet a solution’s requirement by creating exactly the fields needed. In the field editor they can create new fields and define both field and presentation type on each field.

Developers can create the types and number of fields required for the data types needed on the solution

Meta data types and page data folder types can be added to pages from the Content perspective:

  1. Right-click the page where you want to add the data type.
  2. Selecting "Add Datafolder" or "Add Metadata Field".

Adding data folders and metadata fields

The global data types are used when you have data that you want to be able to use on several pages across the website.

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