Working with Packages

C1 CMS Packages extend the functionality of your website.

To install a package:

  1. In the "System" perspective, expand "Packages", "Available Packages" and the namespace the package belongs to (e.g. "Composite.Community")
  2. Select the package (e.g. "Composite.Community.Blog").
  3. On the toolbar, click "Package Info".
  4. In the "Package Info" view, click "Install".
  5. Follow the steps in the installation wizard.
  6. Click "Finish" when the installation completes.

The installed package will appear under "Installed packages".

Read more on packages



With CMS packages, you can conveniently extend the functionality of your website in no time. All you have to do is select and install a package without leaving the CMS Console and use it wherever it is needed.