Working with Languages

You can have your website in multiple languages by adding languages to your website and translating the pages.

To add a language to your website:

  1. In the "System" perspective, select "Languages".
  2. On the toolbar, click "Add Language".
  3. In the "Add Language" window, select a language.
  4. Click "OK".

The languages will be added to the dropdown list in the bottom right corner of the Administrative console.

To translate web pages into another language:

  1. In the bottom right corner of the console, select the language you want to translate pages to.
  2. Click "OK" in the "Cleanup Required" popup window.
  3. In the Content perspective, select the topmost non-translated page (e.g. the homepage).
  4. On the toolbar, click "Translate Page". The page will open in the page content editor.
  5. Translate the content.
  6. Save and publish the page.

Read more on website languages



All your website can easily target audiences from different countries by displaying the content of your website in their native language. In C1 CMS, you can create multilingual copies of your website by adding a needed language and translating the content.

Translating Pages

Once you have added another language to your website, you can translate its pages.
